Friday, September 19, 2008

Tonight I missed my family

and I was thinking about my dad. I have the best dad in the world. I truly do. Anyway, how do I cope with my longing?

I watch Starwars. The Empire Strikes Back to be more specific.

I was sharing a story with my friend LaVon and told him of the Christmas of 1995 when we got our special released VHS of the Trilogy. During Christmas break we watched the movies, one every Saturday. I wasn't that into watching it...then I saw the first one. I loved it! I couldn't wait for week two. Then week two came and I was shocked. I begged to watch the third the next night, I had to find out what happened to my Han. My dad in his infinite wisdom explained to me that he had to wait two years to find out what happened because he had to see it in theaters. So. That was like a million years ago to me. Come on. We HAVE the movie lets put it in! Nope we had to wait a week.

So in honor of my Dad I popped in Empire Strikes Back...and I'll probably watch Return of the Jedi tonight as well.

Love you Mim.


Lilian said...

I've watched all those movies once. That was enough for me. But I love how it brings your daddy to you!!!! Just a couple more weeks and you get to see him!!

Margie said...

I remember that Christmas break. What a good memory you have. Good things come to those who wait.