Sunday, September 14, 2008


On September 15th 1991 I was blessed to have a SISTER.
I remember standing on the top stair at my Grandparents house when the phone rang. My grandma answered it and then anounced that I had a new baby sister. I lept from the stairs onto the landing with a joyful: "YES."Megan has always been an awesome sister as I'm sure Sean will agree. She has such a sweet giving heart. I was always pretty bossy (sorry Megs) ordering her around to get me this or that. She never complained and served me well :)

Sean and I would always bug each other but we never had the heart to bug Meggie. She was just too sweet and had such a tender heart. Dispite her good heart, she was also pretty spunky- very self sacrificing and dramatic :) When ever she would get in trouble she would punish herself by bonking her head against a wall, table, or whatever. My favorite was when she would fall over and pretend to be dead. We'd call it Falkners Disease. When she would get angry at you she would either swing at you with full force and then stop short before hitting you and barly tap you which would cause us to laugh and her to become more angry. She would also yell "THATS NOT A REQUEST" a line from her favorite movie Beauty and the Beast.

Megan was always very observant and would pass on my big sister secrets to her friends. I would always find clothes and CDs in her room that belonged to me. We often owned the same sort of products, like our first make up caboodles. She got to grow up a lot faster than I did because I didn't have a big sister to teach me the ways of womanhood lol. I had to borrow big sisters from my friends.

Megan is HILLARIOUS! Ask her about the Las Vegas ocean or Tony Braxton (who's he?) or any variety of topics she's sure to entertain. She is also GORGEOUS! She puts me to shame. I found out that she ran a 5k on Saturday which put me to SHAME! I'm so jealous of her beautiful smile. Megan may have borrowed my clothes but I love going home and wearing her stuff! Of course I streach it out but then she just washes it and alls well that ends well right ;)

Megan remembers EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYTHING. She'll tell me things I said about ex boyfriends, or advice I gave her, or my friends favorite colors. She'll say things like "remember when you told me about how Drew did this" or "Didn't Jessica say this first day of ninth grade." Its incredible. She's also been dying to be an AUNT since I walked out of the Temple with Adam on August 5th. She called on our anniversary to remind me that I told her before we got married that we'd "probably wait a couple of years before having a baby" she wanted me to pay up!
I think the thing I love most about Megan is that I can talk to her about anything. She's really perceptive and wise beyond her years. She's so smart and such a hard worker. I have been blessed with a very talented, very focused, very personable and sincere sister. Happy Birthday Megan I love you so much!

1 comment:

Margie said...

What a good sister you are. I'm so glad that you and Megan have each other. We are getting excited for you to come!!