Wednesday, September 24, 2008

State of the Union

Last week on the Today Show, Matt Lauer interviewed a man who was commenting on the current economic crisis. The theory of the man (whose name escapes me) was that the whole situation is due to GREED. Interesting... He talked about how about 20 years ago most people were living humble lives and then ideas started to form: you can own a house too, get into a bigger house YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL, Live the AMERICAN DREAM...He said people had become PRIDEFUL, people lived beyond their means...

Sounds like the pride cycle here in America! We are living in Book of Mormon times :)

1 comment:

Margie said...

It really gives you something to think about. It is very interesting to observe the similarities between BOM times and what is going on right now. I do have a firm testimony that the Book of Mormon was written for our day!! Thanks for sharing your spiritual insite.