Monday, April 27, 2009

A Big Day

Last night Mr. Turney had a restless sleep. For the past two years, Mr. Turney has diligently worked to obtain a masters degree in Education Leadership which culminated in a presentation he gave today.

In 2007 as we were approaching our first anniversary, after a two year hiatus from school, we decided it was imperative that I go back to school and complete my bachelores degree in education before beginging our family. For months we saved and saved to be able to pay for that education, and I was fortunate enough to recieve a grant from UNLV. After I graduated, Adam would continue his education.

As I've learned, our plans are not the Lord's plan, and Adam had a strong impression that he should begin his Masters degree. Because of the grant I'd recieved, and the money we'd saved up for my education, we decided that it was doable. Unfortunatly, Adam had zero qualifications as he had not yet begun to teach in a classroom and years of experience was required for him to begin his Ed. Leadership program. Because of his impressive resume, his charming ways :) and an endorsment from a very impressed site administrator Adam was admitted to the program.

This required a huge sacrifice on our family. Both Adam and I were working to obtain our respective degrees and working full time while trying to make our little family function. Adam was extremely supportive of my activities, as he continued in his.

Next week, my Adam will graduate with his Masters Degree. I cannot express the gratitude I have for him, for the sacrifice, for the hours, for the support that he continually gave while participating in Administrative duties, Class duties, and Teacher duties. His positive attitude has made this possible, as well as his dilligence and hard work.

Today was his final presentation in which he presented the last two years of work for a committee. Two of his professors, a site administrator, and his wife (who has watched him perserver through the past two years) watched Adam's 45 minute presentation.

I knew that Adam hadn't slept much last night, I watched his nerves go one by one. Adam isn't very expressive when it comes to emotions but I can recognize the stress and worry he goes through. I was nervous, praying for him the entire time in my heart, listening intently to each word.

He presented himself humbly and articulatly. The presentation was well organized, although he hadn't practiced. He talked about his required hours of administrative duties, the organization that he was chair or co chair on, and all of his hard work.

I can't express my pride for all he's done. I'm grateful for his sacrifice and support for me as well as for our family. Not to mention, he is participating in a SECOND masters degree already (he is taking a two semester hiatus and will begin again in January, to graduate for a second time in December 2010). My husband is my hero, he is my best friend, and I look forward to the next two semesters where he can take a long awaited breath.


Bea said...

Sounds like Adam has one great cheer leader, does he really need more? we are cheering for him :o)

Archie said...

Adam. Well done matey!!! And all the best as you continue. Great post Melissa. I'm proud of you guys.