Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I Passed My Test

Author: Adam Turney

Four weeks ago I took a test that determines whether I can get my administrative credential and graduate with my Master's degree. The test was 120 questions, all multiple choice with five possible answers, and we were allotted 2 hours (120 minutes) to complete the test. Everyone that took the test in my program was nervous that we would not pass because we do not feel that we were adequately prepared for the test. I barely finished the test in time...I think I had three minutes to spare. Each of us have been anxiously waiting to find out our test results to know whether we passed our $150 test, or whether we would have to pay another $100 to take it again. This morning I quickly sat down at my computer to check the status of my test score and was incredibly relieved to see that I passed the test.

I was telling my students about my test and their biggest question was about my score and what the grade was. I explained to them that I didn't care what the grade was, I could get a C and would be happy because it is all about passing the test. As far as I know, employers don't look at those scores to compare administrative candidates. Good thing because those questions are terrible representations of our ability to effectively run a school. Now I have to make it through the next few weeks, give a major presentation before my administrators and professors, and complete all my assignments that I struggle to understand why we have to do again (more hoops we have to jump through). Once May 9 rolls around I will walk across the stage and receive my Master's degree in Educational Leadership and feel proud of myself that I was able to achieve another one of my goals. Lucky for me, I have had great support throughout this experience and after I am graduated I can give back to Melissa and help her through the final two semesters she has.


BobN said...

Way cool. Congratulations!

Georgia said...


Congrats on passing the Praxis; that test has quite the reputation for being tough. Dani is taking it on April 25th and she is pretty nervous. She bought a study guide and we're hoping it will give her an edge to get that passing grade.

We're sure proud of you; way to go! All that hard work is going to pay off starting with that walk in the cap and gown.

Lesley said...

Congratulations Adam!! That is wonderful and we are so happy for you.

Lilian said...

Way to go Adam!

Margie said...

That is great Adam!! I am so proud of you. What a huge relief to have that over with!!

Melinda said...

Congrats! I like what you said about not caring about the grade as long as it's passing. Cory is a TA for a class and they all argue over every single point, sometimes half point that many of them when put on the spot to APPLY what they have learned, they cannot. I don't doubt that a multiple choice test wouldn't really be able to represent ones ability to actually DO something effectively.