Wednesday, March 11, 2009

T-A-N-A-K-A Tanaka Elementary will lead the way!

I've never seen rock paper scissors settle more arguments than in the halls of Elementary School. Perhaps if it were implemented in foreign policy our world would be a more peaceful environment. That is why I love working around and with Elementary school kids. I learn so much from them, like today when I learned that leprechauns travel from Ireland to America by sliding down rainbows.

They also have logical brains. Whenever I need a break I just tell the kids the baby is thirsty and I get a drink of water. I heard them say the other day that "when the baby is thirsty Mrs. Turney just puts water in her mouth and it goes down to her tummy where the baby lives so it can get a drink." First graders.

Whenever I walk into the halls of Tanaka I hear students all around me saying "HI MRS. TURNEY!" I feel like such a celebrity. The kids get so excited. The other day as I'm teaching a lesson one little boy comes up to me and throws his arms around me. I feel so fulfilled being around these kids because they make you feel like you matter to them, like you are important and what you say absolutely goes.

Today one of my second grade friends came into class with an eye patch on. She has a lazy eye and it needs to be corrected. She walked right up to me and stretched her neck out as far as it would reach and opened up her visible eye as wide as she could and said "good morning Mrs. Turney." Because I was busy I didn't acknowledge her new accessory but every time I'd turn her way she'd proudly stick out her neck. When I finally had an opportunity I asked "Aubrey what happened to your eye." And proudly she told me of her lazy eye and how it was getting fixed.

Another thing I love is how they want to be a part of their life. "Mrs. Turney I got new shoes!" or Mrs. Turney my brother asked me to help him with his homework and he's 12!" One second grader told me "When I grow up I'm probably going to be a scientist for one week and then I'll be a rockstar or something rich."

Of course no job is perfect and where there are highs their are extreme lows. A third grader told his teacher he moved out of his house and then later that week said "my mom likes my dad again so we get to live with him." or when they are the last ones standing on the sidewalk with you and they tell you "my mom probably went to her boyfriends house again...she'll pick me up later." Stories of abuse and neglect. Papers written to teachers about how both parents lost their jobs and how they are about to lose their homes. I hear people talking about how we are spending too much on paying for people who need to get out and get jobs but I don't know those people...I know their kids who are not old enough to get jobs or take care of themselves.

Anyway...sorry to end on a sour note. I love being a part of these kids lives and sharing things with them. I am very lucky to be doing what I am doing now and even though I don't plan on teaching for a while, I'm grateful that I am a part of the Tanaka Family.


Bea said...

That is a tender post :o)or is it :o( ?
Either way, you are getting in on their lives both happy and sad. Granpa always gets tender feelings around the schools and the pupils. We went to see some art work that our youngest grandson did in Kaysville which was really good, and Granpa had a reminisient look on his face :o( Glad you get paid to serve. :o)

Stephanie said...

I LOVE KIDS! That's why I can't choose exactly what I want to do with school. I am glad they have such an awesome teacher though and about the whole not teaching for a while, you will be but you'll like this even more. :) Great to talk to you the other day by the way and tell Adam thank you for sharing.

Brad says that he will for sure bring our guitar for rock band.