Friday, March 20, 2009

Why I Love Milk

Author: Adam Turney
Anybody that knows me really well knows that I love milk. I prefer there to be some flavoring in my milk, strawberry is my favorite, but I love milk in any form really. While I was sitting in class attempting to pay attention to the incredibly mundane professor I thought back to when I was younger. For many people television has played a role in the development of our interests. Certain commercials would pique our interest and create a desire within that would drive us to want that advertised item. I remember seeing commercials for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures (not dolls) and wishing that I could have everyone of them because they were so cool.

During the 80's the milk companies had some great commercials. Certainly today's "Got Milk?" commercials are great, but these didn't really rely on humor as much to try and sell the delicious drink. The slogan of the milk campaign was, "Milk, it does a body good." Before the slogan there was often a display of how milk would do good for a person's body. Often you would see a young, nerdy boy become attractive to a hot older girl, or the boy would suddenly get muscles from drinking milk. While I was confident that milk wouldn't give me muscles, I bought into the idea that it would do my body good. I immediately began increasing the amount of milk I drank. The peak milk consumption was during my missionary days when I would consume about 3 gallons a week of Whole Milk (none of that wimpy non-fat white water). Currently I am averaging a modest 2 gallons a week, but when I don't have chocolate of strawberry flavoring I consume less.
I want to share two of the most influential milk commercials that I recall during my younger years. Although they may not be the best, I have fond memories of sitting through Saturday morning cartoons and watching these commercials come on and then going to get myself a glass of milk. As these commercials show, it was the performance enhancing drug that kids dreamed of being able to have...but it isn't illegal.


Melinda said...

I loved those ABC commercial starters! I also like milk and Samantha is addicted to "pink milk" and unfortunately due to hereditarily high cholesterol, I am forced between the decision: drink skim milk and at least it's not soy and have a better chance at living a long healthy life and see my kid grow or drink 2% milk and risk a blood was a no brainer before kids....2%, but after....also a no brainer ...skim....I just keep telling myself at least it's not soy!!

Bea said...

Way to go! all that milk should also help your baby have strong bones. Makes sense, if you are healthy you will pass that along in your genes. :o)
I like a nice cold glass of milk (2%) :o( and nice slice of white bread and homemade jam. hmm good