Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Best Two Years!

I am one day late in posting but I need to pay tribute to the happiest day of my life! Yesterday (August 5th) marked the two year anniversary of our wedding day! To celebrate, Adam took me to a fancy Italian restaurant the day before (we both had classes yesterday) followed by a romantic dinner at home by candle light (provided by myself) last night.

So here's to the best two years of my life, being married to my best friend in the world, and loving life a little more...also to growing up together, having to pick each other up once in a while, struggling along together, having/being comforting arms...Marriage is so much more than I ever knew, and sometimes its a lot to take, but if you do it with the right person, life becomes a little sweeter, and a lot more worth it!
August 5th 2006

Dreaming of my Prince
Mr. And Mrs. Turney
One Year Later...
Anniversary Dinner

Trip to California
Eating one year old Wedding Cake

And another year after that...

Trip to Las Vegas...wait...

Two years married, two years in Vegas


Bea said...

You both look great. Keep up the good work. Love

Lilian said...

Happy anniversary!!!

Lesley said...

I can't believe it's been two years, congratulations!!
PS I just tagged you :-)

Little GrumpyAngel said...

2 down and an eternity to go! Happy anniversary!

Margie said...

Does it still count if I wish you Happy anniversary a week later? I'm glad you two had such a fun anniversary, and that you are now both done with school for 12 days. I hope you can enjoy these next few days with more time together.