Monday, May 18, 2009

Baby Update

Baby= Curious. She followed the ultrasound wand around with her eyes wherever it went so we couldn't get a very good profile shot :(

She had her hands up by her face the whole time so we couldn't get very good pictures.

She is a little tubby, with her tummy being in the 85th percentile...must be all those cookies she likes to eat :)

She's in position, found the exit, and pushing right on mommy's sciatic nerve...yay.

She's still a She :)

She weighs 3lbs 12 oz (and lets not forget the part about the sciatic nerve)

She is facing forward looking at my belly button with her spine curved with mine and her feet on the left middle of Mommy's tummy...just as I suspected.

Drum roll.....SHE HAS A HEAD OF HAIR

Everything looks great with our little baby Brooklyn/Sydney/Samantha. She will be all ready to come. Mommy's prediction is that she will be over 9 pounds and that she will come on July 31st.


Margie said...

I've been thinking about your ultrasound ever since you called me yesterday!! It does make it more real to hear details of Baby Girl. It wouldn't surprise me either if she is 9 pounds. I think July 31st would be a great day to have a baby.

Lilian said...

Please don't be like that chick on that one face blog and refer to your baby by the possible initials of her name.... You know, like BSS!

Lilian said...

Oh, and I'm happy to hear all is well!

Lilian said...

Oh and the first comment by me should read "fake blog" not "face blog"

Lilian said...

Oh... and ... well, I just wanted to comment again!

Little GrumpyAngel said...

I'm excited to find out what you'll end up naming her. Over 9 pounds--- whew, be careful what you ask for :-) Tara was 8 pounds 10 ounces, and if you think the baby is bothering your sciatic nerve now, just you wait :-)