Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My love life...*RANDOM*

Tomorrow the much anticipated movie Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Scull comes to theaters staring my not so secret love: Harrison Ford. Is he not the most scrumptious man alive? To prove that I actually love him, an excerpt from my journal on the day I realized I was in love with him:
July 21st 1997 (coming up on 11 years now, I am not editing this for spelling or grammatical error for your viewing pleasure)

Dear Diary,

How are you old friend? We will Have many Things to talk over! Fist of all you should know that I love a man named Harrison ford. He is a wonder-ful actor! 5th Grade was afull! it was terribly scarry. My Cousin Becky makes me so mad sometimes! Back to my love life, Harrison is 55 spicked haired and has an earing! I went out with a guy named j.j we liked each other alot. He was trying to get the nerve to kiss me so I broke up with him. I will not go out with anyone until I am 16.

As you can see my affinity for Mr. Ford goes beyond just a young girls crush, it is true love. Ok on a totally different matter...I've been reading my journal so this entry has taken just about forever to write...I'm hilarious P.S. I like to assume that I've become more mature in love as I've gotten older...but I haven't, at least before I got married is another journal entry just three years ago on:

May 20th 2005:

I haven't written in over a month. Life is returning to normal after I moved up to BYU-I. It was a pretty difficult adjustment but I'm doing well. Justin is doing great! I've seen some pictures and gotten a letter every week. I've also gotten a tape. He's a good friend and will be a fantastic missionary! Drew is as WONDERFUL as ever! He had a baptism and oh my I love him so so much! He is a great missionary and I'm so proud of him! Ok a strange think happened to me. I met another guy. Don't worry, I don't feel the deep love and friendship that I fell for Justin or the pure eternal love I feel for Drew. Its just a little crush...anyway His name is Adam and I kissed him today. It was strange.

HAHAHAHA how funny is that! The very next entry starts off on October 3rd saying: What a crazy semester and a half! I've gone from being half engaged to Drew to half engaged to Adam!

What a funny girl I am...I was always on the look out for my next great romance. Harrison aside I think I did extremely well for myself. I was lucky to marry someone 'older and wiser telling me what to do...' I know in my heart that Adam and I were born to be together. We are both far from perfect and I have proof if you need it (because its hard to see through our extreme awesomeness to find the flaws). We are perfect for each other and I love him:)


Lilian said...

I've heard the movie is AWESOME! Ha ha ha.... a little missionary bird told me all about it!


Lesley said...

Melissa I love reading your posts you make me LOL (does that mean laugh out loud? That's what I intend it to mean) anyway, it was so fun to see you and Adam Sunday. Keep writing these great posts it's so fun to read about you. Love ya!!