Sunday, January 15, 2012

A week in the life 2


I did all my chores and got the house sparkling clean. Read a little, played a lot. Went to Boot Camp and watched Bachelor with Chelsea, Sheena, and Cori. This day is seriously a blur and I can't believe I don't remember much about it.


Waited ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL day for a guy to come fix my oven. Apparently the 8AM appointment was "skipped" somehow. He showed up at 6:45PM. Determined that a really expensive part was required and that we would get it in 5-8 buisness days. Good thing we went for that extended warranty. We are missing our oven. Went to Boot Camp. I love Boot Camp. I've been noticing how sweet Paigey is lately. Like how she is never without a smile.


We went to the park and played for about an hour. We didn't have the car so we walked and had a good time walking together. Some boys called Hannah stupid and told her they were going to "punch her in the face and the butt." She didn't know they were being mean because she's never been talked to that way so she thought it was funny but I felt pretty sad. They were three year old boys so they really didn't know what they were saying anyway, but it gave me a taste for how it is going to be when kids are mean to my kid and I was sad. We went home and just hung around playing puzzles. We are trying a new reward system with potty training. It's been three months and Hannah goes through these major relapses. Today her reward for no accidents was McDonalds (Ice cream) with Daddy. Adam went to scouts and I got a bubble bath/reading.


I decided to let Hannah walk around sans bottoms and she totally took herself potty since she didn't have anything to have an accident in. We went to the library and as soon as she had pants on she had an accident so I changed her. At the library she had two accidents and one when we got home (we were gone an hour :/) I made the difficult decision to put her back in diapers. She is totally potty trained, but she doesn't have the desire to drop everything and go potty because as she says--she is busy. Putting on that diaper felt like a big fat fail. She has been in diapers every day since. We got Gossie, Gertie, Ollie, and Peedie books at the library and Hannah has me read them at least four times a day. She LOVES them and can now recite them by heart which is super cute.


We helped my friend start packing up her is a sad day because she is moving to Summerlin and I'm really going to miss her and being close to her. Hannah played with the kids toys and had a blast. We had a pizza packing party. So fun. Adam came and picked us up from Jen's house and I needed to go to Ulta to exchange a nail polish. He told me I might as well go get some new pants (mine are falling off my body) so I didn't realize when I woke up but I got to get a new nail polish, and go shopping for new pants (SIZE 2!!!! I HAVEN'T BEEN A 2 FOR 6 YEARS!!!!) AND have a much needed conversation with my dear Cait. All by myself. After the potty training fail it was very needed. I got home and was planning on going to an EQ party but Hannah had fallen asleep for the night so Adam went and I stayed home with the kiddos and read/ watched Parenthood.


Adam went to the gym, shopping, and to clean the church so I was alone all morning with the girls. They had a good morning and Hannah was super sweet with Paige. I'd set Paige down and Hannah would just snuggle up with her (picture on the blog) She is such an amazing sister and so far hasn't had a jealous bone in her body. She is also very patient. When Paige grabs a hold of her hair Hannah just looks at me for help and doesn't even scream or take a swat. Paige is always trying to touch Hannah in some way and it is super sweet. I ran six miles which is THE MOST I'd ever ran in my life. It was a huge accomplishment and juuust about a half of a half marathon (which is my goal this year). I did it in 53 minutes which was great time. I felt like I could conquer the world. I also went out to Chelsea's house to watch Dreamgirls.


Hannah woke us up singing "I WILL GO I WILL DO THE THING THE LORD COMMANDS! I KNOW THE LORD PROVIDES A WAY HE WANTS ME TO OBEY...."Church, and now naps/ blogging

We've been really into Candyland this week. We played it for the first time last Sunday and Hannah walks around with the "guys" and has fun with them. She mainly likes to get out the board and then hang out at the different places and tell us where to go. We've been into the Gosling books like I mentioned. Hannah's been watching Thumbelina but we've been trying to get her to transition more to Sesame Street because I'm pretty tired of it. I've been reading I Capture the Castle for book club and I really want to finish it because I'm really enjoying it. Adam's been enjoying the football and is impressed with my random knowledge.


Bea said...

What a great life you have. The pictures are cute especially the last one of Paige smiling. She looks like one happy girl that loves her sister. :o)
Potty training?

Georgia said...

I love your week reviews; so fun! You are a busy Mom! I wouldn't worry too much about the potty training. It seems like a big deal right now, but in the whole scheme of things, it is pretty minuscule.

Awesome running, Girl! I'm so impressed at your distance and your time. You would leave me in the dust. Also way to go on the size 2 pants!

I can't believe you are still ovenless after all this time. How frustrating. Your patience is impressive--just like all of your other traits!

Stacey said...

Size 2? So so jealous! Don't be surprised if I kick you in the shin next time I see you! :) And, thanks for the bachelor invite! :) I'll be coming over next week, totally uninvited! Ok, seriously now, Hannah is so great at so many other things. Like going to bed and communication. She'll get the hang of it!!! You've got a great little gal! We love her.

Margie said...

I love these cute pictures!! I miss you guys so much!! Can't wait to see all of you again...soon!

Lesley said...

I'm sorry about your oven... you have waited a very long time it seems. It's easy for me to say, but try not to worry too much about the potty training. It will happen. I promise. Way to go on the size 2's. The little girls are dolls, I love the pics and Hannah's sayings :)

btw, your reading has inspired me. I decided a couple of months ago that I would re-read the entire "Little House" series (the last time I read it was 10 years ago w/Caitlin). When I saw how many books you read last year I decided I need to take time to read more. I started at the beginning of the year and I'm almost done with the third book in the series.

Eliza said...

We missed you at the EQ social!

Size 2? AMAZING!!!!

Potty trainging sucks, don't beat yourself up over going back to diapers. When you are ready, you'll try again! I hate potty training!

I've been (mostly) watching the bachelor too. Must be fun to watch with friends....