We all have big, significant years. Times when lots of things are going on. Big accomplishments, etc.
That was 2011. Graduations, welcoming Paige, a marriage, etc.
2012 is going to be very different. Here are my goals:
1) Run a half marathon. I've been training since the last week in October and I have to admit, I'm kinda starting to love running.
2) Complete one month of boot camp. This one is questionable. I've done two days and I feel like my muscles are literally shredded inside my body. I did 200 burpies last night, it took 38 minutes...and that is literally the only thing I was doing.
3) Learn to enjoy every day life--stress less. I spent most of 2011 being stressed about pregnancy, having a newborn, potty training, being a bad mom, Adam's school, the school district....I'm going to chill out. Running has really helped me with this. I'm adopting a "come what may and love it" attitude.
4) Be happy. It goes along with number 3.
5) Read all four standard works (Old and New Testament, Book of Mormon, D&C) I'm on a daily schedule with this so hopefully I can develop the habit of reading daily. Also, I'm reading the BofM aloud to my family at dinnertime (on the schedule it is like two pages a day).
6) Perfect couple prayer. (Or at least improve our habits)
7) Hawaii. We are going in August over our 6th anniversary. I want to go and feel good about leaving my kids and make the most out of my experience.
8) Be a more supportive wife. Adam's going through some possible career changes this year and I want to be able to support him and encourage him.
I know you are supposed to set really specific goals and with the exception of two or three, they are all kind of vague but I'm ok with that. My main goal is to just do a little better than I did last year :)
Hey, we're doing that same scripture reading challenge! Eric wanted to try to just read one book at a time, but then I reminded him that reading the Old Testament straight through might kill our spirits.
Hahaha so true. There is way too much begatting going on. Also, who knew that someone begot a "Maggot." I actually got the idea from YOUR pin so thanks! I'm following that formula.
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