Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sorry Adam...

You may notice this post is being written at 3:15 a.m. That is because I am terribly sick and cannot sleep. I just gargled salt water but I think I may no longer have a throat(?!) and Adam just jumped out of bed armed with the doctor approved list of medicine for pregnancy and ran to the store. I tried to tell him not to go, that we can wait a few hours and get it later, but he insisted. What a sweet hubby. I am really careful of doing anything, even if it is "doctor approved" but I'm pretty sure I have a fever and that is scary for a baby, more so than doctor approved medication. So please pray for me and hope that I get well!! This is about the 5th cold I've had in 16 weeks :(


Margie said...

I will pray for both my babies. My baby, and my babies baby :(.

Bea said...

I am sorry you are not feeling well :o( If I was there I would give you some "wassail" to drink and then lots of "sprite" keep hydrated. :o( Consider yourself hugged :o)

Melinda said...

It always seems that you get the sickest at the worst times-like while pregnant! I became very grateful of sudafed and tylenol during my pregnancy as well as zantac (heart burn got so bad that one time I couldn't keep ANYTHING down and landed myself in the hospital at 28 weeks). Peppermint Herbal tea or hot lemon with honey was also a great fall back for sore throats.