Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Joys of Impending Motherhood...warning: contains graphic content

Since my dear darling mother requested this post I thought I'd humor her and share in my lovely evening. Sunday night we were at a friends house for a birthday dinner in honor of my BIL Addison. It was a lovely LASAGNA (important later for visual images) dinner complete with salad and garlic bread, very delicious.

During the meal, the subject of pregnancy came up and my friends mother (who I was meeting for the first time) asked how the morning sickness was going. "Oh I've been feeling great," I assured her "I haven't thrown up in a week and a half." Later on in the meal, I started feeling a little funny. I'm not really used to the growing size of my child and I don't often take into account the small amount of room for food, therefore I eat probably more than I should. I waited for the last possible second and excused myself.

Not wanting to give myself away I concentrated all my energy on vomiting gracefully and quietly, a skill I mastered in the past but since beginning this beautiful journey have yet to apply. Because I was focusing so much on the noise level my other skills that I've mastered such as precision and accuracy were unfortunately abandoned. I don't know if it was due to the fact that I was a week and a half out of practice, or if it was just dumb luck, but suddenly I found myself in the throws of a projectile battle. Nothing was safe. Not the entire wall from the bottom up four feet, not the floor surrounding me, not any inch of the toilet, not my sweater or my shoes. Ok that was an exaggeration...what WAS safe was the toilet bowl. I crouched for a few moments, not shocked or surprised. Pondering to myself about the concept of irony. I've only ever thrown up at my house, my parents house, random gas stations, school, and basically in front of people who either love me enough to look past the vomit, or people I've never seen before and don't care about anyway. I've never done it at a friend or other family members house and I certainly have never done it quite like THAT. As a comfort I felt little squirmier moving around inside me as if to say "oops sorry about that Mommy."

Searching desperately for a way out, I turned only to the toilet paper and began moping up the mess. Meanwhile, my husband, friend, brother, and her mother are out there...probably wondering what I'm doing. It took me about seven minutes to clean the carnage and wash up. I removed my shoes and sweater and placed them in the foyer.

The best part was...(and you thought it couldn't get any better than all that) I was not alone in the bathroom. I was sharing it with my friends dogs who I previously withheld any friendship or affection for. They assisted greatly in the clean up process, if you know what I mean. I will be eternally grateful for my partners in crime.

I slipped back into the party like nothing had happened. Two hours later, Adam and I left. I quickly asked him if he could smell me. He asked what I was talking about. I asked if he could hear me in the bathroom. He was so confused. I told him the story and he was shocked. He never heard a sound or smelled vomit and I was off the hook.


Marie said...

Tomatoes are acidic and can cause a lot of heartburn and/or nausea. I'd leave lasagna, spaghetti, etc. for a post birth meal.

Bea said...

Can you see the look on my face?
I really could have gone all day without the details. I could of course clicked out of it but... I was compelled to hear all the gory details. I'm glad lasagna is not a favorite of mine. Nevermind, better days are coming :o)
You don't have to do ALL the things your Mother tells you.
Can you still see the look on,my face?

Stephanie said...

lol! Oh Melissa... I've been there before I am sorry. I think my second pregnancy might be a little easier in the way of morning sickness (if things go the same way). I swear it took me like the whole 9 months to figure out what foods I could eat and keep down or at least keep down longer. I can't tell you how many differnt kinds of pizza I disposed of because I just had to have pizza. I think I will skip most anything I usually like to eat and go for bland and soft next time. HA! Like thats going to happen :) By the way, it is about time to show a pregger belly picture even to show just the tiny bump of a belly you probably have.

Margie said...

What an experience. We are still laughing about it. It is easier to laugh when you aren't the one that had to live through it.

Lesley said...

Melissa we could seriously share some stories....fortunately I was only sick with my first prenancy. I "lost my cookies" on an average of 12 times a day for several months. Some of the places it happened...State Street (SLC) in the doorway of a store; in my lap as I was driving up Main Steet towards the capitol; in assorted gutters along roadways (even residential); one of the funniest was when Mikes friend Lyman was in the back seat of our car, we were turning a corner and my entire upper body was hanging out of the window and he was ducking hoping to miss anything that might blow back in....so many more stories(I'm not kiddin'). It's all worth it :-)

Little GrumpyAngel said...

I guess I picked the wrong time to check your blog...Just before dinner. Got to go visualize something else now before I set the table.

Georgia said...

My favoirte part of this story was the role the dogs played in keeping your cover. Pregnant woman's best friend?...perhaps...

(I also laughed pretty hard at your Grandma Bea's comments.)