Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Week in the Life {04/8-04/14}

First I have to post because I'm so excited that I lost two pounds! People might roll their eyes, because technically I don't "need" to lose weight, but I gained a total of 8 lbs once I stopped nursing last August. Because of this, I am much different from where I was at a year ago and none of my summer pants fit me. I could just buy new ones, but I'd rather just lose the weight and fit comfortably in my clothes again. Plus, I'd really like to get in better shape before I get pregnant and get in worse shape. I am using My Fitness Pal to track calories and running/doing Jillian Michaels. I hope to lose 6 more pounds.

Hannah's preschool was cancelled this week because of sick triplets so we decided to have some little side adventures. On Tuesday, when we got the message about preschool, Han was pretty upset so I packed up the kids and took them to the Discovery Kids museum. It was awesome! There was nobody there, only a few families and no field trips. Paige and Hannah loved the Eco City that day. 

Since preschool was cancelled we were able to go to library story time for the first time in months. The girls had a great time, especially Paige, who didn't remember going. We got a loooooot of books this week and we are working towards our 1,000 book goal.

We also went to a birthday party, the park several times, took pictures of the girls (well, our go to photographer Chelsea who is both an excellent photographer and friend took the pictures) 

Adam is finally able to announce his new position at his school. He will be teaching humanities, which will focus on utilizing technology across the curriculum.  He will be working with another teacher to pilot an iPad lab program at his school.  He will not be a classroom teacher, classes will come to him throughout the day just as they do for art, music, PE, and library. So cool and right up his alley since his second Master's degree is in Educational Technology. Adam is excited because it will allow him to become familiar with every grade level (K-5) and he will get to see some of his favorite students from this school year.  Also, he will no longer have the stress of a regular classroom teacher because he won't have to deal with report cards, parent complaints, the mountain of weekly assessments, lesson plans for 5-6 different subjects, setting up a classroom, and other mundane requirements.  He's wanted to do something with technology for a while. His salary won't necessarily change, but since his school is going to a 12-month schedule next year (year-round) he will have the opportunity to work extra days during the summer, which will translate into a larger paycheck during the year.  This is fantastic as we prepare to add another child to the family, purchase a van (Adam has been dying for one), and save up for a new home within the next couple years. We are both thrilled for this exciting opportunity and hope it will provide Adam with the experience he needs to catapult himself into administration.

Adam and I are reading a book together called Quiet: The Power of Introverts. We each took a quiz to determine if we were introverts or extroverts. I was an extrovert (66%) while Adam was either an introvert or extrovert, depending on the quiz you consult. He's basically either 56% or 54% either way so he's pretty middle ground. It's fun to read a book together and have a mini marital book club.

Hannah gave her first talk in Primary this week. She did a great job. She talked about Joseph Smith's first vision and was so excited to talk in the microphone. Adam and I were very proud.

1 comment:

Meg said...

Adam's new job sounds awesome! And I love that it sounds like you guys are in the same place we are right now - get in shape/save money/buy a new car before getting ready for that next kid. So fun.