Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My Family

First of all I need to say that I love my husband more than anything in this world, and if I have to chose forever to stay in Nevada with him I would in a heart beat, no questions asked. That being said, I miss my growing up family. Adam is of course my new family, my priority, and he is doing such a great job at fulfilling me and making me a better person...but I miss my mom and daddy.

Over Easter, my family came down to Vegas so we could all be together for the holiday. They arrived Friday night and we ate Pick-up sticks in the park by my house. It was so fun just to be eating all together again. Growing up we always ate dinner together as a family and I've missed it alot. After dinner we went to a semi famous place (at least among out ward members) for ice cream. It was so nice just to be doing real life things with my family as opposed to running around the world doing vacation stuff. That night we watched Dan in Real Life (if you read my previous post you will note that I'd seen it a few days before...thats how much I love this movie) which my Dad slept to...oh and we also introduced them to the Wii...it was so funny to watch my parents duke it out at boxing!

Saturday we all went to Red Rock Canyon to go hiking. We all got a little bit of sun and had fun laughing as my mom wanted to play "lost" as in the tv show, not that we were lost, although at one point it looked like the tables had turned and we were playing "oops we got lost in the canyon." The girls finally got tired...or rather, satisfied with what they had climbed and let the boys go on to the top while they formed a triangle and layed on each others laps while we talked and laughed. The best quote of the weekend was when sean was hiking further and further up ther rocks and my dad was attempting to point him out to us. Mom kept saying that she couldn't spot his blue and white shirt, and my dad said "well he took of his shirt so he just looks like a white cloud." That afternoon the boys hung out while my mom and I went to see Mindy and Carson. I always love hanging out with my Mom and getting to just share girl stuff and life stuff together. Thank goodness for phones :)
Honestly, Sunday is kind of a blur except for relief society. My family came to church with us and we all enjoyed Easter Sunday. Sean took my place in primary and they sang to him hahaha, I got to go to relief society and be with my mom and Megan. We had an AMAZING meal, prepared by my mom ( I have to admit when she's around I just like being taken care of cause I usually am the one in charge). Luckly we still have leftovers. We all just kind of hung out and napped for the afternoon, Megan and I were scrunched on the smaller couch somehow it was cozy...

The worst part for me is always when they decide it is time to go...we always say a prayer together and I never can hold myself together. I always start crying during the prayer because I know that soon they are going to get in the car and drive off and it will be a long time before we are a family again. The last time I saw them was November...

I just miss being a daughter and a sister sometimes. I miss being able to hug my dad or laugh with my mom. It is so hard living away from home, yet I know Las Vegas is my home now and this is truly where I'm supposed to be right now. Adam reminds me that I've lived out of state for four years now, and that its probably time to grow up and move on, but I'll always be my parents little girl and I long to be a big sister to my siblings who seemed to have grown up without me.


Lilian said...

Awwww... what a sweet post Melissa! I hadn't realized you hadn't seen your family since November!!!! Luckily you get to come to UTAH in a couple of months!

Margie said...

We had so much fun!! I miss you too!!

Lesley said...

Melissa when I read the part about your prayer I started to tear up myself. I do the exact same thing when I know I'm saying "goodbye". I learned a long time ago to just give in to it. I sure do love and miss you.

Megs said...

Oh my gosh! Sean is HUGE! I still think of him as an obnoxious 10 year old kid!