Thursday, September 17, 2015

{August 2015}


August brought a lot of changes. First of all, we moved into our new home, which was both exciting and terrifying. Although we are just three miles away, we have found there have been several changes in our routine. The first week in our new ward was the first week Hannah has ever been the new kid in primary, not knowing anyone. I was in primary helping Paige when they sang the welcome song to the girls, and Hannah looked as though she was going to cry. By the end of the two hour block, Hannah came bouncing up to me to tell me that she had two new best friends (though she couldn't remember their names).

Hannah adjusted to the move the easiest, and has the best perspective. She loves her room and her new bunk bed. She loves our new neighborhood and playing with the two big girls across the street.

Most of all she loves first grade. She is in Mrs. Doughty's first grade (track four) class and it's been wonderful for her. Every day she comes home from school professing that she loves learning, and she loves school. It's difficult for me to have her gone all day, though we are all adjusting. The first day she was at school all day (she missed the first day because she had a fever!) Sam walked around calling for Hannah, not knowing where she could have gone. She loves going to school with her daddy, and most of all she loves that she can be in Mrs. Evarts class in the morning with four of the Evarts kids.

Grandma came for a visit in August, and we had a lot of fun hanging out, and watching The Gnome-mobile. Hannah and I started reading Harry Potter together, and she was sorted into...RAVENCLAW! She was slightly disappointed, because she wanted to be in the same house as me, but I showed her how awesome life was as a Ravenclaw and she quickly embraced it. Hannah had a bunch of play dates and she even got to go up to Spring Mountain Ranch to watch Tarzan. It was a great month.


We finally moved into our home! Everyone was excited, everyone but Paige, that is. Paige cried every day for her "little house with the blue door." It wasn't until the carpet was installed, and all our furniture and decorations came inside that Paige declared our house a home.

Grandma came into town, and we went on a visit to the Shark Reef with her. We also went to see Tarzan at Spring Mountain Ranch, which Paige enjoyed, but mostly slept through.

Paige started Pre-K, and though she'd been talking about it all summer, she cried, and was very nervous to go inside. It was rough, but she made it, and she even made a new friend, Cheyanne. Cheyanne has been over for many playdates since, and Paige loves school, although she occasionally cries because she's missing her mommy and brother.

Paige started her very own Let's Play Music class, and is loving it emensly. She loves being a big girl and doing grown up things, as long as her mommy gets to tag along. I sure love her.


The best part about moving into a new house, for Sam, was being able to help Daddy assemble any and all furniture. Sam believed it was his duty to assist his daddy, even if that meant chipping paint off his sisters newly painted bunkbed by bashing a Philips screwdriver into the wood. Helping.
Sam was very excited when Grandma came into town, and gave her lots of love and kisses. He especially like when she took him to the Shark Reef and let him dip his hand into the water to try and pet a stingray. He loved the animals at Shark Reef.

Sam can talk your ear off, and he's one of the best fifteen month conversationalists I know. His word list includes, but is not limited to, the following: Mama, Dada, Hannah, Paigey (he says Gigi), Sister, Grandpa, Grandma , Ball, Toy, Doggy, Car, Cookie, Bottle (baba), Peek boo!, Bonk/bang , Uh-oh,Uh-uh, No-no, Hello (not hi), Bye-bye, Please, Thank you, All gone, Lay down, And my favorite: Let it go. He also barks, makes car noises, grunts a lot, and makes minion noises whenever he sees characters from despicable me.


August 1Instagram
Let's just say this was my best attempt at a smile as we left our sweet home. I may or may not have, but definitely did, sob for about an hour. We had quite the abrupt exit...we were supposed to have until 3pm but the new owner's dad showed up at noon to change the locks, WITH OUR STUFF INSIDE!!! We had to hustle to get out as fast as we could, and as I left I couldn't hold back. Good thing I have that handsome man beside me. Truth be told, wherever he is I'm home.

August 3
Polar bear challenge! Our hot water heater is broken (thank goodness it's covered by the warrantee) but my kids desperately needed showers today so we told them they were taking the polar bear challenge. They were such troopers! It was kind of fun and hilarious. Hopefully it's fixed soon, but until then, it's good to know that my kids are awesome.

August 3
So we were sitting in our empty house talking and we started talking about our long stairs. Adam talked about how he used to go down his cousin's stairs on exercise mats (the Marcelinos) and I said my cousin Becky and I went down her stairs on a twin mattress. We were saying how stupid we were as kids...when Adam jumped up and ran downstairs (to grab the crib mattress) and I ran upstairs (to grab my phone). Paige got out of bed and we made it a family affair.

August 5Instagram
Nine wonderful years ago I married Adam. That morning he sent me a text that said "are you ready to be stuck with me for eternity?" It totally freaked me out, and in that moment I wasn't really sure if I knew what that meant. Maybe I still don't, but now that I've had a little taste of our eternity I know there isn't anyone I'd rather be "stuck with." So here's to the day we took a leap of faith together, and here's to the man that never fails to make me laugh every day, and holds me when I'm crying.

Our new home has been fantastic. I absolutely love it (especially with the new floors). Moving was a breeze with the help of all our friends. I just wish I could enjoy the house. Melissa keeps me busy with a million little projects to help make it feel like home. If she didn't get so excited and happy every time I finish something then I think I would have collapsed from exhaustion a long time ago.

August 13
Hour one of bunk beds and Sam (of course) has already taken a dive off the top bunk. I've always said no to bunk beds for that very reason, but I was outnumbered. I'm shaking so bad right now, when the girls were screaming I assumed I'd find him with his neck broken.

August 16
I'm knitting and I'll get to the end of a row, but I'm watching a show so I start another row. Then the episode is over but I'm in the middle of a row so I start a new episode. Then I get to the end of the row and I have more of the show to watch so I start another row. Then I get to the end of an episode. In other words: I'm never going to bed.

Adam was out of town for the past few days, which means the responsible parent was gone. In the morning I'd allow the kids to play in their rooms by themselves until I was ready to get up, and the girls would end up in Sam's room entertaining him until I got up. Sam woke up just now and started calling "Hannah...Hannah...!" It was the cutest!

At SMR watching Tarzan. During the trashing the camp scene it was quiet except for a type writer or a "mysterious ticking noise." Hannah and Brooklyn started chanting "Snape, Snape, Severus Snape DUMBLEDORE!" Parenting: we're doing it right.

So I'm reading HP to Hannah and we just read the sorting chapter. Hannah kept saying she wanted to be in Gryffindor and asked if she was in Gryffindor if I would buy her a shirt like mine. I signed her up for a Pottermore account and we tinkered around on it for a bit, getting her a wand and an animal, etc. Well she finally went through the sorting ceremony and was sorted into...RAVENCLAW! She looked at me with an expression of total devastation for about 20 seconds then burst into tears. I felt SO BAD! Adam was happy, because he's a Ravenclaw, and thought it was pretty awesome. I kept trying to reassure her how awesome Ravenclaw is. We read about their qualities and I told her about one of my favorite Ravenclaws, Luna Lovegood. I think she feels a little better, but I still felt sad for her because she was so disappointed. ‪#‎Ravenclawpride‬

So excited for this big first grader. After six years of being a stay at home mom this will be a new challenge for me...saying goodbye to my baby for full day school. I'm pretty nervous about it, and a little heart broken, but I know she has amazing adventures in store. Good luck, Hannah Banana!

After a couple long years of watching her big sister get to go to elementary school (pre-k and kinder) it's FINALLY Paigey's turn and she is beyond thrilled. I'm going to miss my little sidekick while she's gone half day, but I can't wait to watch her progress, and get to be her own person away from the shadow of her sister.

My poor Hannah! Last night she had a sniffy nose and a little cough. She woke up with a cough and said she didn't feel great, but she was so excited for school. We gave her some medicine and I took her to school. We dropped her off and I gave her a kiss on her forehead and it felt pretty warm, I asked if she was okay and she insisted she wanted to stay at school. ThenAdam went in and gave her a kiss good luck, and said, "I think she has a fever..." It turns out she had a fever of 102! So I took her home, gave her some more medicine, and now she is resting in bed instead of enjoying her first day of first grade that she was SO looking forward to. Hopefully we can get this fever taken care of, and she can get plenty of rest today and maybe try again tomorrow or Wednesday

More first day of school drama. Right before it was time to take Paige to school she said she didn't want to go anymore because she was too scared. I told her how fun it would be and she got excited again. She was excited to drive up and see her friend Landon who is going to kindergarten and to see her playground (Look, Mom! I have recess!). When they started walking into class she turned around and said, "Are you going to leave me here, Mom?" Her eyes started welling up. I said "yeah, but I won't be far and I'll come right back!" She burst into tears and I gave her a big hug and left then cried, because I can't help but feel the fear my children feel. I wish there was a way I could send messages to her throughout the day.

Bottle (baba)
Peek boo!
Hello (not hi)
Thank you
All gone
Lay down
And my favorite:
Let it go.
He also barks, makes car noises, grunts a lot, and makes minion noises whenever he sees characters from despicable me.

My poor guy woke up from his nap struggling. He was wheezing and crying and then would be very lethargic. After four breathing treatments and a steroid shot he's on his way to the hospital for observation. I had a feeling all day he was going to have to be in the hospital overnight, which is weird because in six years of respiratory issues my kids have never been to the hospital. I hope that's not the case and he can sleep in his crib tonight.

Lots of friends today! First Paige had a new friend over who is in our new ward and in Paigey's pre-k class. It's easy to see why they get along . Then Hannah had her friend from @krissanee_amy 's kinder class and these two friends were beyond thrilled when an afternoon play date turned into a spontaneous late over! I'm so grateful for fast friends, little girl giggles, and happy memories in our new house.

Looking forward to celebrating our Paigey Pie this week! I can't believe she is going to be four! I asked what she wanted for her birthday dinner and she said "hot dogs, chips, apple juice, goldfish, ice cream, and doughnuts." Yep. Sounds like four to me!

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